Direct Download (Right click, Save as...): 1280x720.mp4 - 640x360.mp4
Original File Box
Choose a link below to download the file.
Oboom - UserscloudFile Name: Episode 12 - A Place to Go Home to.mp4 | File Hash: 56E39446C23AE1B3AD9BD3055B59DA4B | File Size: 125.92 MB
What is this Original File?
Because videos take up a lot of space, most video hosts will compress videos (while removing subtitles and chapters, if there are any) in attempt to make the video size smaller. So, I have uploaded the Original Video to a cloud hosting service that doesn't compress files so you can download the video uncompressed & with subtitles, if there are any.
Please note: Anime normally has subtitles burned in, which means it's in the video, and not optional. So these subtitles can't be removed.
What's a MD5 Hash?
The MD5 is a way of determining if you have the right file (feel free to read the wiki on how it works). Basically, if the file you downloaded matches the hash posted above (by using a program - I personally use md5checker), you have the right file. If it's different, then rather you downloaded the wrong file, or I uploaded the wrong file. If you believe it was my mistake, please leave a comment and I'll get back to you asap. Of course, if you compare the direct download to the MD5 Hash listed here, it won't be the same.
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